Child Friendly Respect Leaflet 2023- 2024

After Anti- Bullying Week, the School Council all came together to discuss and review the 2022- 2023 anti-bullying leaflet to see if there were any changes to be made. They all listened to each other’s ideas and opinions and came to an agreement on the alterations they wanted to make to the leaflet.

Please read the updated version here:

Child Friendly Respect Leaflet 2023-2024

The leaflet includes the ‘Anti- Bullying Poster Competition’ winning entry. It was chosen by our Learning Council. There was some really good discussion about what would make a good winner: design, message, meaning and presentation. They chose their favourite 6 posters out of all of the entries:


And the winner was:

Copies of this poster will be displayed all around school as a reminder to help children. Well done Zara!

Child Friendly Respect Leaflet 2022- 2023


The School Council met to review our ‘Child-Friendly Anti-Bullying Policy‘ and discussed the content. The children agreed with the content but decided that although the policy was about ‘Anti-Bullying’, it was also about ‘Respect’ (one of our Learning Values) and therefore wanted to call it ‘Child-Friendly Respect Leaflet’ instead – to promote positivity.

The leaflet includes the ‘Anti- Bullying Poster Competition’ winning entry. It was chosen by our Learning Values councilor, Evie in Holly Class. These posters will be displayed all around school as a reminder to help children. Well done Sophia in Aspen Class!