Safeguarding Information

Dorothy Barley Junior Academy is committed to every child having a safe and happy upbringing, where children are free to grow up with integrity and dignity. Anyone who joins our school will be expected to share this commitment and should any concerns arise, to be proactive in following procedures and seeking advice from appropriate agencies as outlined in our safeguarding policy.​

In school, our designated safeguarding lead is ​Mrs D Nickless and our deputy safeguarding leads are Mrs M Dawes and Miss C Leicester.  Our Safeguarding governor is Mrs Carole Webb.

To find out more about safeguarding policies and procedures, please download our Safeguarding and Child Protection policy pdf using the link at the bottom of this page.  ​


Safeguarding pupils walking to and from school alone, arrival, handover and departure guidance DBJA 

While there is no legal limit to the age that siblings can collect children from school, the school does have in place best practice guidance for the collection of younger siblings. Our guidance is that the minimum age at which an older sibling can collect or drop off a younger sibling is 14 years of age. The school have the right to refuse any person under this age permission to collect a pupil from the school`s premises.

In addition, there is no set age after which children may walk to and from school independently. This depends on the child’s maturity and confidence. We do however recommend that pupils in years 3, 4 and 5 are still brought to and collected from school. Year 6 children can walk to and from school independently with written permission from their parents. Those who walk unaccompanied to and from school can bring a mobile phone in so that they can call their parents should they need to on their journey. Mobile phones will be collected before entering the school, logged and retuned at the end of the school day. The school does not accept any responsibility for loss or damage to mobile phones.

For Further Information

As a parent, carer, relative, neighbour, member of the public or a professional who has contact with children, you may be concerned about the welfare and safety of your own child or a child you know. These concerns could be about their appearance, behaviour, development or how they are being cared for.​

DO NOT question or confront any child or adult about concerns.

If you cannot locate the Senior Designated Professionals, please record your concerns and pass on privately to our Office Manager. They will be passed on in confidence. Any allegation against a member of staff, volunteer or foster carer must be reported immediately to the Headteacher. If you have any concerns regarding the Headteacher’s conduct, you must ask for the contact details of the Chair of Governors, from the Office Manager.


People to talk to and contact in School

Name of Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs D Nickless

Name of Deputy Safeguarding Lead/s

Mrs M Dawes

Miss C Leicester

Name of Chair of Governors

Mrs Carole Webb

If you have any concerns, at the first instance contact Pupil Welfare Office Debbie Nickless or Michelle Dawes as soon as possible.  If they are not available please pass on to Cathy Leicester, Lauren O’Connor, Kim Arrowsmith or a member of the senior leadership team.

Outside of school

If you have any doubts about the level of need or risk, you are not sure whether you should be making a referral, or simply don’t what to do, Call MASH on 0208 227 3811 (0208 594 8356 out of hours)

If an emergency situation arises dial 999 for the police for an immediate response.

Our latest updated Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy can be found by using the link below.

Policies – Dorothy Barley Junior Academy

Useful Websites:

Parenting and Family Support – Family Lives (Parentline Plus) | Family Lives


NSPCC | The UK children’s charity | NSPCC