Our Governing Body

Carole Webb- Trust Appointed Chair of Governors

I have for many years been connected with Dorothy Barley Junior Academy and my own children attended the school. I first became a Governor,  Parent Helper and Midday Supervisor at the Infant School and then made the decision to become a Governor at the Junior School

Vacancy- Vice Chair of Governors

Olufisayo Noibi- Co-opted Governor

I currently work in investment management and have over 3 years’ experience in Finance & Capital Markets.

During my time at the University of Oxford, where I studied French & Arabic, I thoroughly enjoyed working with young people and took part in a number of Access & Outreach initiatives across the UK. In 2019, I founded my own mentoring/community-led scheme to provide resources, advice & support to young people, particularly to students from underrepresented backgrounds.

Having grown up in the borough myself, it has been a long-standing goal of mine to give back to the community and to help our young people to reach their full potential. I am keen to work hard as a new school governor to ensure DBJA students can achieve their aspirations and much more.


Vacancy – Parent Governor

Wunmi Agunbiade – Trust Appointed Governor 

I am a management accountant with over 20 years’ experience; 18 years of which has been gained in the higher education sector.

I also have certificates in CIEH and NEBOSH coupled with practical H&S knowledge gained in my role as being Facilities Manager and Departmental Safety Officer (DSO) for the past 6 years. I conduct ‘Day one inductions’ for all new staff; coordinate and lead H&S inspection of six campus libraries.

I have four children – two of which are graduates of Westminster and Brunei Universities respectively; the third is attending Dagenham Park (C of E) secondary School; while the last is just starting at John Perry Primary School.

I have so much interest in children welfare, wellbeing and am quite keen for them to achieve success in whatever they chose to be in life. Though, I have been living in the UK for over 30 years, whilst in Nigeria I was a proud and successful scouts leader which shows I have always had a keen interest in children and youth being active, creative, building self-confidence, self-reliance and understanding of the importance of education.

Miss C Leicester – Headteacher  
Mrs A Clarke – Staff Appointed Governor
Mrs S Flint – Staff Appointed Governor

Meeting Schedule -DorothyBarleyJunior 2022-23

DBJA Governor Roles and Responsibilities 2022-23

Governor attendance at meetings 2022- 2023

Declarations-DorothyBarleyJunior 2023

Meeting dates for 2023-2024

  • 19th October at 10am
  • 7th December at 10am (to include Governor Day)
  • 8th February at 10am
  • 21st March at 10am
  • 23rd May at 10am
  • 18th July at 10am

Additional Information about REAch2 Governance

REAch2 Trust Governance Information.pdf

FINAL Terms of Reference for REAch2 Local Governing Bodies 22-23 

FINAL Corporate Governance Document 2022-23 (1)