
At Dorothy Barley Junior Academy we believe that scientific investigation is one of the most powerful ways to learn; developing curiosity and perseverance as well as challenging what we know about the world.  We aim to make Science as practical as possible, linking it to real life contexts and giving a meaning to our learning. Science lessons are open ended and practical in nature, allowing children to use a wide range of resources to lead the learning and make their own discoveries. Scientific thinking is not just limited to the classroom; we encourage children to continue their enquiries at home with parents through our termly science projects. 

At Dorothy Barley Junior Academy we believe that scientific investigation is one of the most powerful ways to learn; developing curiosity and perseverance as well as challenging what we know about the world.

The National Curriculum provides a structure and skills progression for the Science curriculum taught and assessed throughout the school. The Reach2 scheme is used to plan and show progression across the school.

We aim to make Science as practical as possible, linking it to real life contexts and giving a meaning to our learning. Science lessons are open ended and practical in nature, allowing children to use a wide range of resources to lead the learning and make their own discoveries.

Scientific thinking is not just limited to the classroom; we encourage children to continue their enquiries at home with parents through our termly science projects.

Here at DBJA, the teaching staff have thought about what science means in our community and how we can best support our pupils to learn and achieve their potential. Here are our Principles of Good Science.

Dorothy Barley Junior Academy Science Principles

Overview and Vocabulary

Whole School Science Foundation Overview

Science Vocabulary

Science Roadmap


Dorothy Barley Junior Academy Awarded Primary Science Quality Mark October 2022!!!

See Press Release

DBJA Awarded Primary Science Quality Mark!!!